
EN : European Norm (欧州統一規格)


(例)BS EN 12288,  DIN EN 12288


a) 加盟国






b) 提携国


c) パートナー標準化団体




(Valves for water supply-Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests)

 ・EN 1074-1 General requirements        EN 1074-2 Isolating valves

 ・EN 1074-3 Check valves            EN 1074-4 Air valves

 ・EN 1074-5 Control valves             EN 1074-6 Hydrants

(Industrial valves)

 ・EN 1171  Cast iron gate valves

 ・EN 12266-1  Testing of metallic valves - Part 1:Pressure tests,test procedures and acceptance criteria-

                                                                                        Mandatory requirements

 ・EN 12266-2  Testing of metallic valves - Part 2:Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria -

                                                                                        Supplementary requirements 

 ・EN 12288   Copper alloy gate valve       ・EN 12334 Cast iron check valves

 ・EN 12351   Protective caps for valves with flanged connections

 ・EN 12516-1   Shell design strength - Part 1:Tabulation method for steel valve shells

 ・EN 12516-2   Shell design strength - Part 2:Calculation method for steel valve shells

 ・EN 12516-3   Shell design strength - Part 3:Experimental method

 ・EN 12516-4   Shell design strength - Part 4:Calculation method for valve shells manufactured in metallic

                                                                                  materials other than steel 

 ・EN 12567  Isolating valves for LNG - Specification for suitabillity and appropriate vertification tests

 ・EN 12569  Valves for chemical and petrochmical process industry - Requirements and tests

 ・EN 12570  Method for sizing the operating element  ・EN 12627 Butt welding ends for steel valves     

 ・EN 1267    Test of flow resistance using water ad test  ・EN 12760 Socket welding ends for steel valves

 ・EN 12982  End-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves

 ・EN 13397  Diaphragm valves made of metallic material

 ・EN 1349    Industrial process control valves     ・EN 13547 Copper alloy ball valves

 ・EN 13709  Steel globe and globe stop and check valves

 ・EN 13774  Valves for gas distribution systems with maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 16

                             bar - Perfomance requirements

 ・EN 13789  Cast iron globe valves

 ・EN 14141  Valves for  natural gas transportation in pipelines - Performance requirements and tests

 ・EN 14341  Steel check valves 

 ・EN 1503-1    Materials for bodies,bonnets and covers - Part 1:Steels specified in European Standards

 ・EN 1503-2    Materials for bodies,bonnets and covers - Part 2:Steels other than those psecified in European


 ・EN 1503-3    Materials for bodies,bonnets and covers - Part 3:Cast irons psecified in European Standards   

    ・EN 1503-4    Materials for bodies,bonnets and covers - Part 4:Copper alloys psecified in 

                                                                                                                                                  European Standards

 ・EN 19           Marking of metallic valves       ・EN 1983 Steel ball valves 

 ・EN 1984    Steel gate valves           

    ・EN 558         Industrial valves - Face-to-face and centre-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged

                              pipe systems-PN and Class designated valves

 ・EN 593      Metallic butterfly valves                                                                                 

(EN) ISO : International Organization for Stanadardization

 ・EN ISO 4126-1 Safety devices for protection excessive pressure-Part 1:Safety valves

 ・EN ISO 4126-2 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure-Part 2 : Bursting disc safety valves

 ・EN ISO 5208       Industrial valves - Pressure testing of metallic valves

 ・EN ISO 5209       General purpose industrial valves Marking 

 ・EN ISO 5210    Industrial valves - Multi - turn valve actuator attachments

    ・EN ISO 5211    Industrial valves - Part - turn actuator attachments 

 ・EN ISO 5752    Metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems-face-to-face and centre-to-face dimensions 

 ・EN ISO 5996    Cast iron gate valves       ・EN ISO 6002  Bolted bonnet steel gate valves

 ・EN ISO 7121    Steel ball valves for general-purpose industrial applications

 ・EN ISO 7259    Predominantly key-operated cast iron gate valves for underground use

 ・EN ISO 10434     Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for the petrochemical and allied industries applications

    ・EN ISO 10497     Testing of valves-Fire type-testing requirement

 ・EN ISO 10631     Metallic butterflyvalves for general purposes

 ・EN ISO 12149     Bolted bonnet steel globe valves for general-purpose applications

 ・EN ISO 15761  Steel gate, globe and check valves for size DN100 and smaller for general- porpose   


 ・EN ISO 15848-1  Industrial valves-Fugitive emissions-Measurment,test and qulification procedures-Part1:

                                     Classification system and qulification prededures for type testing of valves

 ・EN ISO 15848-2  Industrial valves-Fugitive emissions-Measurement,test and qulification prodedures-

                                     Part:2 Production acceptance test of valves 

 ・EN ISO 17292     Metal ball valves for petroleum,petrochemical and allid industries